EVA BC works to coordinate and support the work of victim serving and other anti-violence programs in BC. This site includes free resources, training and a user-friendly database of transition housing across Canada.

Kelty Mental Health provides mental health and substance use information, resources, and peer support to families across BC. All of their services are free of charge.

Mindful Awareness Research Center (MARC) aims to foster mindful awareness. Their site offers free guided meditations as well as a downloadable App.

The Credit Counselling Society is an accredited non-profit that helps Canadians solve their money problems. They provide free credit counselling, low-cost debt solutions, and education.

B.C.’s Representative for Children and Youth (RCY) supports young people and their families in dealing with the provincial child- and youth-serving system. They provide oversight to the child welfare system, makes recommendations to improve it, and advocates for children and youth in the system.

Access Pro Bono is supported by volunteer lawyers, administrative volunteers, funders, sponsors and individual donor which allows them to provide critical legal services to individuals and families of limited means, and the non-profit organizations who serve them.